Mike Strassman's Climbing Legacy

Here you'll find a collection of Mike's climbing routes, lifetime achievements, Film titles, Magazine articles, books, and links.

Mike on Cathedral Peak

Remembering Michael Strassman 1959-2007

Read the obituary written by climber and long time friend, Doug Robinson.


Posted Under: Memories
"I met Mike back in 1998 or 1999 At a party for Joe Sample somewhere around Mammoth...Still one of the most amazing people I have ever met and best night ever ...Talked all night about music..I have found the business card he gave me for "Range of Light " productions after he said I couldnt go home and he would sort me with some work and I could stay with him and his partner till I got sorted..On the back of the business card It says "Skully 485 7025" a phone number i presume..! So Sad ....Just an amazing individual"

-Stuart Thompson
Liverpool U.K